mAdvertising Awrudu 2023

What is mAdvertising?

mAdvertising is a Mobile Advertising Service offered from Mobitel Business Solutions. Through this digital advertising solution, news & Updates on special offers/promotions and discounts can be delivered to Mobitel subscribers across the country via SMS.

About this Seasonal offer and to whom this service is for?

Mobitel offers a special Seasonal discounted package to the Retailers and Enterprises who wish to reach their targeted customers with minimum cost during this season.

This offer is valid till 30th April 2023.

Offer details?

Rs. 1.00 per SMS to any SLT-Mobitel Mobile base.

* Rates are subject to government taxes.

How can I select the target segment?

Promotional messages will be sent via SMS to selected Mobitel subscriber base. You are given the flexibility to choose your target market across entire Mobitel subscriber base.

  • Location (Specific area/Provinces/Districts/ island wide reach)
  • Age (Youth, Senior, citizens)
  • Gender
  • Based on mobile expenditure
  • Based on package (Post-paid/ Prepaid/ Corporate / Upahara etc.)
  • Device type / OS type
  • Tourist / Roaming customers
  • Big Data analytics
Can I use Number Masking?

Yes. You can use your company name, brand name or unique sender ID to send your promotional message/s instead of a Mobitel number. The number masking should be less than 11 characters.

What's the maximum character length per message?
Message Type Max Character Length per page
English Message 160*
Multilanguage/Unicode Message (Sinhala/ Tamil) 70**

* each 160 character will be counted as one SMS.

* * each 70 character will be counted as one SMS.

Can customers Opt-out from the promotional campaigns?

Yes. Customers can Opt-out from SMS campaign/s at any given time. The promotional messages will be sent along with the Opt-out option.

How can I get more information about the offer?

Contact our solution consultants on 071-1717171 or email

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